So I'm 19 weeks and 4 days today and feeling lots more going on inside my belly! I also noticed my belly is getting BIGGER and moving up (the uterus is I guess). According to what I have read the uterus has now moved up by my belly button. That explains why it is flattening out. Its like a shallow kiddie pool.
THIS WEEK..... princess is developing a white greasy and waxy layer over her skin, vernix caseosa, to protect her while she floats around in fluid for the next 5 months. Otherwise she'd be coming out looking like a big raisin!! I always wondered why babies came out smooth and not so wrinkly like they have been in a bath too long. Also nerve cells are developing in her brain for her senses... taste, smell, hearing and sight.
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Kisses from my FIRST baby! |
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The GROWING belly :) |
Top: Red-Orange 3/4 sleeve top by H&M Maternity/ Bottoms: Black Super Skinny Jeans by J Brand Maternity
How far along? 19 Weeks 4 Days
Total weight gain or loss: I think 14 pounds, I’ll know better next week at my doctor’s appointment
Total weight gain or loss: I think 14 pounds, I’ll know better next week at my doctor’s appointment
Maternity clothes? Yes. Just had to buy more today. I was wearing a pair of H&M maternity pants that go below the belly today to work and they were so tight I had to leave work to get a new pair of pants. The waist was cutting in right where baby girl is, I hate that feeling!
Stretch marks? None J
Sleep: Sleeping like a baby!
Best moment this week: Feeling a thump in my belly and a big movement. It was the coolest feeling….I love knowing she’s okay inside me.
Miss Anything? Spicy Tuna Rolls
Movement: Yes. More this week then last. I have started writing down when I feel it to see if there is a pattern. I think the baby is kicking around my cervix and butt...I have some pretty funny feeling going on down there!!
Food cravings: Waffles, juice, smoothies….nothing else really.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Labor Signs: No. God no!
Symptoms: A little heartburn, sore nips (as usual), gassy (sorry TMI).
Belly Button in or out? In but really flattening out.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Super happy!!
Looking forward to: A few things. 1) FRIDAY because I’ll be 20 weeks. HALF WAY THERE! 2) MONDAY!! We have our 20 week anatomy scan at the imaging center and get to see our little angel! I can’t wait for new pics. 3) Then I have my 20 week check up on Wednesday…wonder how much weight I have gained!?
Other stuff: Kinda feel bloated this week but is it just being pregnant? I can’t tell the difference because my belly is big! Also it’s really weird, when I’m sitting for long periods of time and get up my belly/uterus feels really sore/tender. I have been reassured it only gets worse! Ha!!